AMSJ » 24 Work-Related Deaths in Australia So Far This Year

24 Work-Related Deaths in Australia So Far This Year


Since the beginning of the year there have been 24 work-related deaths in Australia, according to Safe Work Australia.

The mining sector has recorded the second highest number of fatalities with four deaths recorded in the industry so far this year.

The Transport, Postal and Warehousing sector, together with the Agricultural, Forestry and Fishing sector have both recorded five deaths.

Sadly the statistic is not an improvement, with 2014 year-to-date recording the exact same number of fatalities – 24.

Safe Work Australia cautions that the figures are a, “preliminary estimate for the number of people killed while working.”

“Once the appropriate authority has investigated the death, more accurate information becomes available from which Safe Work Australia can update the workplace of the incident.”

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