Officials are examining circumstances surrounding a workplace fatality in Central Queensland’s Isaac region. Workplace Health and Safety Queensland (WorkSafe) and the Queensland Police Service...
Category - Vehicle Safety
Authorities are examining whether a lifting accident involving a heavy vehicle killed a resources employee. Investigators are trying to determine whether anti-two blocking devices could have...
Two resources multinationals were litigated over serious workplace concerns. BHP Coal was recently sued for allegedly failing to manage occupational health and safety risks at the Goonyella Riverside...
Part of a heavy vehicle carrying hazardous chemicals burst into flames and became airborne for a great distance. An investigation found a 25 kg piece of shrapnel from a road train recently flew 800...
A truck carrying hazardous chemicals burst into flames and shrapnel on an Outback road. Authorities are investigating how a road train carrying a mine blasting substance ignited and exploded along...
Authorities have released a reenactment of a resources employee being pinned under heavy equipment. A recent video illustrates the terrifying moment a male worker became trapped under a loader cab...
Heavy mobile equipment (HME) operators crashed into and severely damaged multiple light vehicles at Queensland mines. Resources Safety and Health Queensland (RSHQ) recently investigated two high...
A heavy vehicle operator collided with much smaller machinery at an undisclosed open-cut coal operation. A dump truck driver recently became unable to see a dozer parked behind him next to a windrow...
Authorities investigated how light machinery overturned and crushed an employee. WorkSafe officials recently examined what circumstances led to a 2.7 tonne utility compactor falling off a tilt tray...
A resources decision-maker suffered fatal consequences after a momentary lapse of judgement. A mine manager recently passed away from an abrupt machine accident at the Wooten operation, 258km...
A special investigator from one of the nation’s most high-profile mine disasters wants employers to remove dangerous conditions. Michael Quinlan believes there are many lessons from a recent...
Mining operators should be severely punished for multiple remote worker fatalities, an advocate said. Management has no excuse for a rock fall killing a drilling contractor at Gold Fields’ St...