Skills and workplace reforms will create new jobs

The Morrison Government’s JobMaker package will support a more productive, competitive and flexible minerals industry that will help the sector maximise its contribution to Australia’s economic...

female mining leaders minerals council of australia

MCA supports future female mining leaders

The Minerals Council of Australia (MCA) has awarded three scholarships to women working in Australia’s world-leading minerals industry to help them secure company board positions as mining leaders...

leadership types safety

What Leadership Type Are You?

Quality of leadership can make all the difference to the standard of safety in any organization, writes Dr. Marcus Cattani. If your business has safety performance problems turning the organization...

Resources Sector training Conference 2020 - Open cut mine

Mining training conference to focus on quality training

More than 200 people are expected to attend the 5th 2020 Resources Training Council Conference targeted at resources and mining training practitioners in Brisbane next year.  The two-day conference...

Pybar has gained accredition of its RTO Australian Institute of Mining

Pybar gains accreditation of RTO

PYBAR has gained approval from the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) for its Registered Training Organisation, the Australian Institute of Mining (AIM). AIM was established by PYBAR to...

Barminco Virtual reality training in mine safety

Barminco wins National Training Award

Mine Safety improved through training. Barminco was named Australia’s Large Employer of the Year at the National Australian Training Awards in Brisbane last week and it says that it’ use of new...

Electrical Training Australia

Electrical training customised for mines

Onsite, Customised Electrical Training, Anywhere in Australia 18 hours of training for every attendee – how does Electrical Training Australia achieve this? Travelling anywhere in Australia to...