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Tag - Iron Ore

DMP releases report into first fatality of 2016

The Department of Mines and Petroleum have released a significant incident report into the death of a 32-year-old worker at a Rio Tinto mine in Western Australia’s Pilbara region. Lee Buzzard...

BHP Samarco

Samarco mine won’t reopen this year, BHP says

BHP Billiton has said it was unlikely the Samarco iron ore mine would reopen, after the tragic events in November 2015 when two dam bursts. “Samarco makes an important contribution to the...

mineworkers unlawfully employed as casuals

Company fined $50,000 after worker loses both legs

An infrastructure company has been fined $50,000 over an incident in 2011 that resulted in a worker having both legs amputated below the knee. The Pilbara Infrastructure – a wholly owned...

Wind-powered device improving safety on site

  A WIND-powered device is being developed in South Australia to help maintain visibility and safety for workers on mine sites. The Spinflector is a device to clean reflectors on delineator...

Haul trucks pretty in pink for breast cancer

The Roy Hill Project, in Western Australia’s Pilbara region, is turning pink for breast cancer awareness. Roy Hill have unveiled the first three pink haul trucks to raise awareness for breast...

BHP hit with $7.2b lawsuit after Brazil mine disaster

The Brazilian Government intends to sue Samarco, Vale and BHP for $7.2b for clean-up costs and damages after dams collapsed at their iron ore operation in Minas Gerais killing 13 people. According to...

BHP Billiton hits the road with beyondblue

Thousands of Pilbara mining employees will be provided with direct access to beyondblue’s mental health resources and support as the Pilbara Mental Health Roadshow kicks off this week. The not-for...