A mine services company is donating two dollars from the sale of every limited edition black hard hat to the Black Dog Institute in the lead up to mental health week, 5-12 October. ProChoice Safety...
More Queenslanders are staying safe at work with new figures showing a significant drop in workplace fatalities and injuries across the State. According to the figures, in the last two years...
Volunteers are being sought for a fly-in, fly-out (FIFO) work and lifestyle survey being conducted for a research project through Curtin University. The data collected will be used for a report...
Queensland employers will pay the lowest average workers’ compensation premiums in the country from 1 July, with WorkCover Queensland set to reduce the rate by 17 per cent. WorkCover Queensland...
A guide on how to prevent and respond to violence in the workplace has been released by SafeWork SA. The guide Preventing and Responding to Work-Related Violence (PDF 247 kb) has...
Gender in mining: The story so far Discussions on gender in the mining industry have been limited to the under-representation of women in the workforce and the “glass ceiling” many women encounter...