An unexpected movement injured and ended the lives of multiple subterranean employees. Authorities recently examined how two workers passed away, and a further six suffered lost-time injuries at an...
Category - International News
Hydraulic lifting machinery tipped over and killed a resources employee. Authorities recently investigated how an all-terrain telehandler tipped over and fatally struck an untrained worker at...
Mineral processing equipment detached and killed a resources employee. Authorities recently investigated how a steel lifting lug became loose and fatally came into contact with a maintenance worker...
Mine equipment collapsed onto and killed a worker. Authorities recently examined how a conveyor fatally struck a resources crew member on 15 April 2024 at an undisclosed coal operation. “A...
A mineral producer rolled out dozens of driverless trucks in less than three weeks. A total of 23 hybrid and diesel automated heavy vehicles were recently introduced to Xinjiang Energy’s...
A mine employee passed away after coming into contact with an electrified dump truck. Authorities recently investigated how a resources worker became fatally electrocuted after touching an energised...
Reimbursements will take longer to reach victims of a mining infrastructure disaster. Authorities recently refused their share in a US$25.7 billion (A$39B) offer in the aftermath of the 2015 Samarco...
Victims of a catastrophic resources infrastructure failure could be reimbursed for further damages. BHP, Vale and their Samarco joint venture recently increased their compensation offer for the 2015...
Three mining companies are one step closer to completely transitioning away from fossil fuels. Epiroc, ABB and Boliden recently celebrated deploying the first ever fully battery-electric trolley...
A loose wire spool unexpectedly toppled, fatally crushing an employee. Authorities recently investigated how a 2.3 metre wide cable drum detached from two steel stands and killed a worker at an...
An accident involving multiple remote workers has set back a major mineral company. Rio Tinto recently confirmed its five year fatality free streak is over, following a fly-in fly-out plane crash...
An employee suffered a deadly fall in suffocating conditions. A 3.8 metre deep chamber had inadequate and untested air circulation when a crew member fatally collapsed. Authorities recently examined...