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Breathe easy knowing your self-rescuers are compliant

Self-rescuers have long been a health and safety requirement in the underground mining industry. These small devices, carried by miners every day, provide the user with ability to protect themselves...

Mines Rescue Consulting

Specialised safety solutions for all industries

NSW Mines Rescue is part of the Coal Services group that provides specialised health and safety services to help protect the health and safety of those working in the NSW coal industry. They also...


WEG releases the CFW900 Variable Speed Drive

The CFW900 VSD is the most innovative product for driving and controlling motors in industrial machines and processes. WEG has added to its portfolio a complete solution with high performance and...


NHP partners with Travellers Aid – powering mobility!

Recent data from Tourism Research Australia indicated that a lack of suitable transport options prevents 25% of the several million people with disability from travelling regularly. To address this...