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Category - Emissions Reduction

EACON driverless truck

Employer deploys 100 driverless trucks

A state-controlled partnership rolled out dozens of environmentally friendly, autonomous heavy vehicles. China National Building Material Group and EACON Mining Technology recently deployed 100...

Rio Tinto heavy vehicles

Mining giant transitions away from fossil fuels

A major resources producer abandoned non-renewable energy sources for the first time. Rio Tinto confirmed none of its heavy machinery will run on fossil diesel at its Boron operation. Haul trucks...


Hydrogen has a unique role in global energy says BHP

One of the world’s largest mining companies predicts hydrogen will occupy a unique and potentially profitable niche in the worldwide energy scenario rather than serving as a primary fuel source...

Janus Electric truck

Newly purchased mine trials electric heavy vehicle

A modern mining company is testing out an eco friendly truck at a major operation. OZ Minerals (OZL) confirmed Janus Electric recently converted one of Qube’s 165-tonne, diesel, triple road...

SEA electric ute

Employer orders zero emissions electric utes

A mining services company became one of the industry’s first to transition away from fossil fuel-powered vehicles. Mineral Resources (MinRes) recently ordered Toyota Hilux electric vehicle...

Volvo electric heavy vehicle

Qld electric heavy vehicle rollout accelerates

A heavy duty range of battery powered trucks are one step closer to mass production. The Queensland Government recently granted permission for Volvo Group Australia to develop battery electric heavy...