AMSJ » Driverless electric technology promised to boost employee productivity

Driverless electric technology promised to boost employee productivity

Caterpillar R2900 XE
Caterpillar R2900 XE

Autonomous and eco friendly equipment will lift worker performance, a multinational company said.

Caterpillar believes its latest driverless, electric technology will not only boost employee productivity but also improve workplace safety.

“[MineStar] enables remote operation of load-haul dump (LHD) machines from line of sight to full autonomy, allowing operators to be relocated to a safe, comfortable location to improve productivity, efficiency and safety,” the company said in a public statement.

“From machine health monitoring to fully automated haul and dump cycles, scalable levels of technologies can be tailored to meet each mine site’s unique needs.”

The supplier recently unveiled the R2900 XE loader, which is touted to be the first diesel electric underground LHD model.

The vehicle is promised to deliver 52 per cent quicker acceleration than the R2900G predecessor, going from 0 to 24 km/h in just 6.4 seconds. Variable piston pumps increase flow rates for faster hydraulic cylinder cycle times and more powerful lifting. It also boasts a larger 18.5 tonne payload for faster load times. These features are claimed to boost productivity by 20 per cent compared to the earlier R2900 XE model.

Other features include:

  • peer-to-peer proximity detection to reduce the risk of unintended interactions between people and machines by seeing in the dark
  • real-time access to cycle time, payload, machine position, and other key operational parameters as well as automatic data tracking and recording
  • equipment data collection and transmission for proactive maintenance services and predictive equipment analysis
  • shorter maintenance cycles due to less oil and fewer moving parts than traditional mechanical drive systems
  • option to rebuild frames, powertrains, engines and components using new, remanufactured, or rebuilt parts and components to increase equipment lifespan
  • vertically positioned filters to reduce fluid spills.

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