Employees have approved lucrative incentives and multiple pay rises at a mine in Queensland’s Isaac region. Eighty six per cent of workers recently voted in favour of a new enterprise...
Tag - Broadmeadow
Fossil fuel production will jump in Queensland’s Isaac and Darling Downs regions. Bowen Coking Coal (BCB) recently confirmed it reopened the newly acquired Burton Coal Mine, 165km southwest of...
A push to recruit and train more leaders from diverse backgrounds will see 44 new jobs for production and maintenance supervisors created at the BHP Mitsubishi Alliance’s (BMA) coal operations in...
BHP’s BMA Broadmeadow underground mine has attracted global attention for its focus on dust and particulate exposure reduction at its Moranbah operations in Queensland. The mine hosted a three-day...
The crew from Oaky Creek North has won the national Mines Rescue Competition held in Central Queensland yesterday. Nine teams competed in the competition from Queensland, New South Wales and Tasmania...