Underground coal mine drowning

Poor ventilation kills underground coal employee

Ineffective air circulation took a subterranean mine worker’s life, an investigation found. Authorities recently examined why Christopher Finley drowned to death at Twin State Mining’s...

Submerged vehicle

Qld coal operator sinks in underwater pit

A mine worker learnt the hard way to check depth before entering water bodies. Authorities recently examined how a dozer became partially submerged at a coal operation in Central Queensland’s...

Haul truck driver drowns

Heavy vehicle operator dies from travelling underwater

A truck driver passed away after becoming submerged. Authorities recently investigated how a heavy vehicle operator passed away after entering a pond at an undisclosed mine. “On September 12...

Broken pipe

Employer blamed for worker crushed to death

A national contractor failed to maintain a safe employment environment, killing a team member on the job. Hansen Yuncken recently entered into an enforceable undertaking after two large steel pipes...

Pembroke Resources

Central Qld coal mine invites suppliers

Pembroke Resources recently invited suppliers to its $1 billion Olive Downs Coking Coal Project, 40km southeast of Moranbah. The following procurement opportunities have been advertised: water...

New Hope Group

$896M coal mine reopening fast tracked

A coal revival will be accelerated in Queensland’s Darling Downs region. The State Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water recently approved the $896 million New Acland Coal...