MESC QLD 2023 is just around the corner, this year due to be held from June 5th to June 7th at the Sofitel Brisbane Central. AusProof has been attending MESC QLD for over 20 years, and they are excited for the chance to engage with everyone at this event once again this year.
Located at Booth 42, just around the corner from the Coffee Cart A entrances, the attending team members will include state sales representatives, familiar faces to those who have attended a MESA QLD before. AusProof’s sales representatives will be able to answer your cable coupler questions and help you find the solution you need to meet your high or low voltage cable connection needs.
A range of AusProof’s low and high voltage stainless steel flameproof products, suitable for use in a range of operational environments above and below ground, including Group 1 hazardous locations, will be on exhibit at AusProof’s booth. AusProof’s booth will also feature product demonstrations on how to replace damaged flameproof paths on both high and low voltage couplers.
If you’re unsure how it’s done, or heard that it is capable of being done on site, watch first-hand as these maintenance tasks are demonstrated by AusProof’s sales representatives, who can answer your questions as they work. You will also be given the opportunity to try it for yourself and see just how easy this maintenance is to complete without interfering with any internal components.
AusProof’s sales representatives can also discuss with you ordering the parts specific to these maintenance tasks, so you can have them on hand whenever they are needed for quick replacement at a cost-effective price.
On display for demonstration from their high voltage range will be the Ex118BSSRF, AusProof’s most recent high voltage stainless steel innovation, with its Removable Flange. The Removable Flange takes the guesswork out of flameproof path maintenance, as well as assisting in reducing equipment maintenance costs. While all plugs in their low voltage stainless steel range are capable of having their flameproof paths replaced, on display for demonstration will be a product chosen from their PS (Plug Small) range.
AusProof values chances such as these to interact with all members of the industry, to discuss their needs, be an ear for their concerns and queries, and to see if there are any additional avenues in which AusProof’s cable couplers can assist a client work towards achieving their goals.
Regardless of whether your operational site is above ground or below, located in Queensland, interstate or internationally, AusProof looks forward to seeing you all at MESC QLD 2023 in Brisbane.
Address: 6 Shona Avenue, Clinton Qld 4680
Phone: (07) 4978 4000
Facebook: AusProofAustralia
LinkedIn: AusProof

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