AMSJ » Anti-coal protestor stops eating, risks organ failure due to climate change

Anti-coal protestor stops eating, risks organ failure due to climate change

Gregory Andrews
Courtesy of Gregory Andrews Facebook page

An environmental activist could endanger his life if an anti-fossil fuel demonstration continues.

Gregory Andrews refuses to eat for six weeks because the Federal Government approved four coal projects in 2023.

Since November 1 he lost 4.5 kilos and expected to shed even more body mass by the time his hunger strike ends on December 13.

“If I keep going at this rate I will have lost a third of my body weight before the [United Nations] Conference of the Parties starts and, when I get to that stage, then I will start risking organ failure,” he said according to the Australian Associated Press.

Andrews, a former Australian ambassador to West Africa, claimed he was motivated by an environmental theory that burning fossil fuels creates carbon dioxide emissions that can influence long-term weather patterns.

“Australia spends more on fossil fuel subsidies than we do on the army but climate change is the biggest national security risk to Australia,” he said according to the newswire agency.

“I worked in the government for 31 years, I have tried giving speeches, social media, writing letters to the government, going to protests but emissions keep going up.”

He hopes to meet with Anthony Albanese when the prime minister returns from his official visit to mainland China. He hopes the federal government will set a deadline for stopping coal exports, fossil fuel subsidies and native forest logging.

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