Category - FIFO

Granites Gold Mine

Mine sites report multiple FIFO staff tested positive

Remote employees became infected with a highly contagious disease at multiple mining operations. Newmont Corporation and South32 reported numerous fly-in fly-out (FIFO) workers recently tested...

Star Aviation plane

FIFO charter plane makes ‘scary’ emergency landing

A company flight was forced to make an emergency landing after an equipment malfunction. The Star Aviation, twin-turbo propeller aircraft recently experienced a landing indicator problem while...

FIFO charter plane

100 per cent FIFO worker ban stays in force

Legislation banning 100 per cent fly-in fly-out (FIFO) workforces at major mining projects will remain in effect across Queensland. State Deputy Premier Steven Miles confirmed a recent review...

FIFO workers

FIFO workers wanted for vaccine drive

Queensland’s fly-in fly-out (FIFO) workforce have been prioritised for COVID-19 vaccination. FIFO employees have been added to the Sunshine State’s 1B priority list, following the recent...

FIFO Workers

Resource companies limit FIFO to QLD by 60 per cent

After the Brisbane lockdown lifts at 6 pm on Monday, most resource companies would continue to limit non-essential FIFO travel until January 22. Queensland Resources Council (QRC) Chief Executive Ian...

western australia

Miners welcome WA border relaxation

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME) welcomes announcement by the Western Australian Government of quarantine-free travel into the State from Queensland, South Australia...

mining camp

Top 6 Mining Camps in Australia

FIFO life can be different to each mining professional depending on their work structure and where they works. The shared experience of living in a mine camp can be varied based on number of site...

Social distancing takes off at Newman Airport

Social distancing takes off at Newman Airport

How do you put in place social distancing controls, in a small regional airport with up to 2000 travellers every day? You involvethe whole community. The massive improvements seen at Newman Airport...