A retrieval attempt to recover the body of Tasmanian miner Cameron Goss has been unsuccessful with miner, Pybar Mining Services, highlighting the complexity of the recovery operation. Cameron was believed to be deceased three weeks ago when his loader collapsed into a void in the Henty mine.
In a statement released this evening Pybar said “The recovery operation to retrieve Cameron Goss at Henty Gold Mine has progressed, however our first attempt to recover the loader has been unsuccessful.”
“This is a complex and challenging exercise, and the specialist recovery and site teams continue to work towards completing a safe and successful recovery.”

“This is a disappointing outcome, but the team on site has done, and continues to do, everything possible to recover Cameron. All personnel on site are being carefully managed to prevent fatigue and ensure their safety at all times. We will continue with the recovery efforts.” CEO of Pybar Mining Services, Brendan Rouse said.
PYBAR Executive Chairman, Paul Rouse, and Diversified Minerals CEO, Nick Woolrych, have been in attendance at the site for the first attempt, and will continue to provide support to the family of Cameron, and all employees of Henty Gold Mine.
PYBAR said that it continues to work with the Tasmanian police and the Tasmanian coroner in an effort to complete a successful recovery.
Mining operations at Henry Gold Mine remain suspended as the retrieval process of Cameron progresses.
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No ir heat from cab /floor collapsed triping loader cab covered in rock hard on family every one Working hard to recover the loader and contents may take a long time especially if there is a large void / some may back fill and pack tightly to the roof then work in slowly /only those working in the area will be clued on the solid going and safety take care look after each other
Say that again in English please?