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Tag - enterprise bargaining agreement

Whitehaven Coal trucks

Coal mine offers $20K employee wage increase

An emerging mineral producer significantly improved worker remuneration. Whitehaven Coal recently offered its employees a $20,000 pay rise at the Maules Creek coal mine in Boggabri, 127km northwest...

FIFO workers

FIFO employees win labour hire wage increase, bonuses

Remote workers welcomed a multinational’s workplace entitlement perks. BHP fly-in fly-out (FIFO) employees recently accepted a 4 per cent wage increase, paid FIFO flights, accident pay and...

BHP workers reading

Industry rejects resources giant’s pay rise, bonuses

A mining advocacy refused a multinational’s workplace entitlement perks. BHP employees were recently urged to oppose a 4 per cent wage increase, bonuses and certain leave options offered in the...

Goonyella Riverside Mine

Management approves 105 new permanent coal workers

A resources giant offered dozens of employees more career certainty and remuneration in Central Queensland. BHP Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA) recently approved a 4 per cent annual pay rise, $2000 sign-on...