AMSJ » excavator

Tag - excavator

Digger blue chalk

Mining operators reveal ‘miracle baby’ gender

A couple who work at the same resources site recently used machinery to reveal whether they would have a boy or girl. Operators Chantelle and Louis recently steered a Liebherr 996 digger to dump...

Coal mine excavator incident

Heavy machinery fatally strikes worker

A machine tragically hit and killed an employee. Authorities recently investigated how a worker became fatally struck by an excavator. WorkSafe is examining circumstances surrounding the incident...

Coal mine excavator incident

Heavy vehicle operator buried alive at coal mine

A resources employee became covered in tonnes of material at an operation. A Komatsu PC350 excavator operator was recently buried alive at an undisclosed open-cut coal mine. The worker had tried to...

Queensland light vehicle accidents

Qld heavy machines collide, run over utes

Heavy mobile equipment (HME) operators crashed into and severely damaged multiple light vehicles at Queensland mines. Resources Safety and Health Queensland (RSHQ) recently investigated two high...