AMSJ » SAFETY » Page 37


Mining safety is a broad term referring to the practice of controlling and managing a wide range of hazards associated with the life cycle of mining-related activities. AMSJ contains a range of highly relevant  work safety and mining safety information, articles, case studies and other information.

Extinction Rebellion protestors

Anti-coal protestors lock on, dangle from conveyor

Environmental activists risked their own safety to oppose a new mine expansion. Extinction Rebellion supporters Michael and OJ thought it was a great idea to lock their limbs, and precariously hang...

Collapsed boom damages truck

Catastrophic failure extensively damages truck

An aerial lift machinery accident severely damaged a heavy vehicle in North Queensland. Authorities recently investigated how a mobile concrete placing boom suddenly collapsed onto a truck cabin...

Henty mine recovery team

Employer charged for worker killed in mine collapse

Authorities are preparing to formally accuse a mid-tier mining company of criminal activity, two years after an employee died from an underground cave-in. The Federal Government plans to charge Unity...

Safescape Bortana electric vehicle

Mines order electric vehicles to improve safety

Multiple mining operations will replace fossil fuel-powered light vehicles with voltaic alternatives for better work conditions. Safescape has received orders for at least 10 Bortana electric dual...

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Comfort is the key to compliance

A worker’s hands are their most valuable asset and should be protected to the greatest extent. When it comes to hand protection at work it is important to choose the right glove for the job. Job...