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Category - Mental Health

FIFO and the effects on family life

As a FIFO worker, if you’re reading this, you will probably understand all about the frustrations, lack of control over your life, sleep disturbance, stress,  feeling lonely or socially...

Amy Douglas-Martens WA Department Mines

Mental health a priority for new mine inspector

Mental health and wellbeing will be high on the agenda for the latest mine inspector at Western Australia’s Department of Mines and Petroleum. Amy Douglas-Martens (pictured right) was recently...

How to persuade FIFO workers to live locally

by Riccardo Welters, Associate Professor at the College of Business, Law & Governance in James Cook University; and Christopher Nicholas, PhD Student in Resource and Labour Economics at James...

Waiting for the axe to fall

Waiting for the axe to fall

Uncertainty is a crippling and debilitating thing, and sadly these days many people are finding themselves in exactly that state in the workplace, Mental Illness Fellowship of Queensland’s Tony...

lost at sea

Lost at sea

In an act of courage powered by a desperate plee for change, marine superintendent Jason Tulipan shares the story of how his mental illness caused him to lose everything and find rock bottom, and how...

Know Your Workplace Bully

Know Your Workplace Bully

Do you know a workplace bully when you see one? They’re not always as obvious to spot as the little tyke above and they can be very good at hiding their poor social behaviour from their...

Men Wanted for Health Survey

Men aged 30 years or older are being sought to take part in a La Trobe University research project  focusing on men’s health and related quality of life. Quality of life can be influenced by a...

Are You Being Bullied in the Workplace?

Are You Being Bullied in the Workplace?

Are you being bullied in the workplace? You have rights and you don’t have to take it. We all know that bullies are sad, insecure people, who may or may not, have mummy issues. They are also...

Unions Criticise Industry for Denying FIFO Suicide Link

The Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union secretary Steve McCartney has criticised WA’s Chamber of Mines and Energy for denying that a link exists between the FIFO lifestyle and an increased...

Calls for new FIFO workers to have ‘induction period’

A speaker at the WA Government’s inquiry into mental health impacts of FIFO work has called for new workers to go through an ‘induction period’ to gauge their suitability for the FIFO lifestyle. FIFO...