AMSJ » TRAINING & EDUCATION » Training Courses

Category - Training Courses

BHP Newman

Mining giant retrains workers three times

Thousands of employees are likely to be coached again in how to behave at mine sites. BHP recently confirmed its entire workforce would complete so-called “consent training” for the third...

FIFO charter plane

Employer cracks down on stressed, isolated FIFO workers

A major resources producer and mental health service will relieve remote mine employees of psychological pressure and loneliness. Fortescue Metals Group (FMG) recently partnered up with Happiness Co...

Applications open for 2021 BMA apprentice intake

Applications for the 2021 BHP Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA) apprenticeship program are now open. In February, BMA welcomed the 2020 cohort of 56 local apprentices into the program in a range of trades...

female mining leaders minerals council of australia

MCA supports future female mining leaders

The Minerals Council of Australia (MCA) has awarded three scholarships to women working in Australia’s world-leading minerals industry to help them secure company board positions as mining leaders...

leadership types safety

What Leadership Type Are You?

Quality of leadership can make all the difference to the standard of safety in any organization, writes Dr. Marcus Cattani. If your business has safety performance problems turning the organization...

Pybar has gained accredition of its RTO Australian Institute of Mining

Pybar gains accreditation of RTO

PYBAR has gained approval from the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) for its Registered Training Organisation, the Australian Institute of Mining (AIM). AIM was established by PYBAR to...

automation qualification - certificate ii in autonomous workplace

Automation qualification

A new automation qualification for the mining and resources industry has been established through a co-operative agreement between Rio Tinto and WA TAFE. The Certificate II in Autonomous Workplace...

solar farm safety training kick off now

Solar farm safety ramps up in Queensland

The Queensland Government is providing subsidised training for electrical workers to assist in improving solar farm safety for workers and improve compliance as a new code of practice is rolled out...

mine operator training

Training mine operators for excellence

Training mine operators can be a challenging business but one mine has used simulators to implement effective mine operator training programs. Situated in Papua New Guinea, the Simulator Training...


Corrosion and Prevention 2019

Corrosion and Prevention 2019 will bring together leading researchers and industry practitioners who combat corrosion daily. Diverse technical streams will showcase the latest developments in...