AMSJ » Mining hazard identification challenge

Mining hazard identification challenge

mining hazard

How good are you at identifying a mining hazard? Mining safety researchers from the USA based National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health have developed an online assessment to test your skills. The NIOSH Hazard Recognition Challenge is a web application that allows you to perform a virtual workplace examination on four locations at a surface quarry operation: the pit, the plant, the workshop, and a roadway. Each location contains multiple mining hazards. Your goal is to find as many hazards as possible at that work location.

Your objective is to locate the hazard, click on the hazard and move on/around through the quarry. The app contains a 360 image. You can use keys to zoom in or move around the image but be sure to click on all the hazards that you locate. At the end you will receive a score based on the number of hazards that you identified against an industry expert. You can also examine other hazards that you didn’t identify.

While the scenario is based in a US Quarry operation, there’s plenty of real life challenges to finding all the hazards. AMSJ looks forward to a similar app being developed by researchers here in Australia that is reflective of Australian mining safety conditions.

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