AMSJ » SA guides to bullying and fatigue released

SA guides to bullying and fatigue released

    1. Safe Work Australia has just released guides on workplace bullying and fatigue.

Following an extensive consultation and review process, Safe Work Australia converted the draft Code of Practice: Preventing and Responding to Workplace Bullying into a Guide for Preventing and Responding to Workplace Bullying. It has been released together with Dealing with Workplace Bullying – A Worker’s Guide and a set of frequently asked questions (FAQs) on workplace bullying. The guides on workplace bullying focus on the duty to manage risks under work health and safety laws and provide advice to businesses and workers on how to prevent workplace bullying and how to respond if it does occur.

The guides and FAQs will be reviewed to account for developments in relation to workplace bullying, including any significant decisions of the Fair Work Commission.

Managing the Risk of Fatigue at Work and Fatigue Management –  A Worker’s Guide provides guidance for persons conducting a business or undertaking and other duty holders on how to manage fatigue in the workplace.

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