AMSJ » Safety and health studies need expert opinion

Safety and health studies need expert opinion

Inspections at commercial transport dock

The Department of Mines and Petroleum have urged health and safety professionals to participate in university research studies.

“Safety and health representatives make a major contribution to workplace health and safety in the Western Australian mining industry,” a statement from the DMP said.

“With potential changes in the Western Australian mining health and safety legislation, there is a need to understand what is required to enable safety and health representatives to continue to work effectively.”

Curtin University student Shibani Chakraborti is conducting a PhD research study on ‘The Influence of Safety and Health Representatives in the Western Australian Mining Industries’, with an aim to identify what influence and support safety and health representatives have in the WA minerals sector to facilitate the achievement of a high standard of workplace safety in the resources sector.

Shibani needs another 50 safety and health representatives to participate. If you would like to participate contact her at

Another Curtin University student, Jessica Gilbert, is conducting a PhD research study on the ‘Support Options for Fly-in, Fly-out Workers within the Australian Mining Industry’ to investigate the experiences of FIFO workers and their support needs.

If you are currently employed in any position that uses a fly-in fly-out or drive-in drive-out roster system in the Australian mining industry click here to participate.

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