1 SOUTH AMERICA While it would seem odd to expect high blood lead levels in a remote area of the Peruvian Amazon, that is the case. The metal is valuable there, since it is easily moulded to make...
Tag - China
In the past two days, both Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Leader of the Opposition, Tony Abbott, have made major announcements regarding their party’s intentions for the resources sector, should they...
1 CHINA An explosion at a coal mine in China’s south-west killed 28 miners in May. Local media reported that 81 miners were rescued and 18 were taken to hospital after the blast at the Taozigou Mine...
A NEW explosion in a Chinese coal mine has killed six people and left 11 missing, three days after a blast killed 28 workers at the same mine, state media says. The blasts occurred at the Babao mine...