The Federal branch of the Australian Labor Party together with a Greens Senator have voted in the Senate to disallow a new coal-fired power station in Collinsville, north Queensland. LNP...
Tag - LNP
As new mining safety laws passed in Queensland this week, a number of members of parliament have hit out against the failure of the Government to deliver on its’ promises to build a mining...
According to the National Safety Council of Australia, some workplace health and safety changes are likely now that the Coalition has won federal government. The Council claims bullying laws and the...
Are you still basking in the afterglow of Saturday’s frenzied outbreak of democracy? Or are you, like me, quietly fuming that your local P&C Association failed to conduct a sausage sizzle at...
In the past two days, both Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Leader of the Opposition, Tony Abbott, have made major announcements regarding their party’s intentions for the resources sector, should they...