AMSJ » SAFETY » Page 45


Mining safety is a broad term referring to the practice of controlling and managing a wide range of hazards associated with the life cycle of mining-related activities. AMSJ contains a range of highly relevant  work safety and mining safety information, articles, case studies and other information.

developing safety policy

Safety policy – from compliance to desire-driven

David Provan talks about the challenges of Safety Differently in the context of developing a safety policy. David writes….As a safety professional the concepts of safety differently can be...

cultural safety why do we continue doing the death knock before we improve safety

Cultural Safety | Why do we have to do the Death-Knock?

Spotlight on cultural safety | There is that awful rapping of the knuckles on the door. It usually has to be repeated 2-3 times; the manager always seems to knock ever so quietly. Why do you think...

safety leadership is critical to ensuring reduction in injuries

Weak and Invisible Safety Leadership?

Every now and then I meet people who claim that what is needed to improve safety is ‘strong and visible safety leadership’. I sort of get what they mean with ‘visible leadership’ (that leaders can be...

safety management systems should assist management

Safety Management Systems – a different perspective

A Safety Management System is supposed to be a systematic and proactive process for managing safety risks. Having a structured approach to safety management should complement and support good...

Defining quality training is an important concept for trainers

What does quality training actually mean?

What is quality training? Many have tried to define it, but with so many variables and being open to interpretation by individuals and organisations, a common outcome is invariably difficult to...

mining training

Better Training, Better Outcomes

There is no doubt that mining is a dangerous occupation. In centuries past, the risk of death and serious injury was a very real possibility for mine workers whether they were extracting coal, metal...

procedures for safely removing PPE like safety glasses, goggles, coveralls, respirators

Procedures and sequence for safely removing PPE

Incorrect procedures for donning or doffing personal protective equipment (PPE) including safety glasses/goggles, respirators, coveralls and safety gloves can cause exposure to hazardous materials...

Drilling safety - know the drill

Drilling Safety | Know The Drill

The drilling industry is a cornerstone of mining, involved in exploration and production activities as well as providing a range of associated services (e.g. water bores). Crews often work...

WA incidents

Reversing the leading vehicle activity of WA incidents

A Western Australian Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) report has found that reversing is the primary vehicle activity that accounts for the largest number of collisions in...