AMSJ » Mining Advertising Tips | How to not waste your money?

Mining Advertising Tips | How to not waste your money?

don't waste money on mining advertising australia

If you’re about to spend some money on Australian mining advertising, there some important things that you should know. We’ve assembled some mining advertising tips and how you might analyse a site’s performance and some top questions to ask before you spend those valuable advertising dollars.

How can I know which mining website is best to suit my needs?

You should always choose a site that has a substantial reach into the market where you are seeking to advertise your products. You should also check the claims made by the website or the company against factual data such as Google Analytics reports. A reputable company will make available to you?

What questions should you ask before adverting on a mining website?

How much traffic do you have on your site (including unique Users and total impressions)?

Where does the majority of the traffic come from on your website?

Does it come from other sites owned by that company or is it largely organic? #TIP we found one mining Australian Mining

Website links came from its’ own site in a different industry!

What is the daily traffic like? (Some say traffic isn’t important…because traffic quality is number one – that’s true – but remember there are more than 200K people employed by the mining industry in Australia. If you add all those ancillary to the industry its likely to be in the order of 500K+ – If you’re targeting a small segment of the industry that still means significant numbers)/

Does it come from a balanced approach from Social media, Google Search, etc?
Is the brand’s social media audience engaged? We know of one mining website in Australia that has 50K followers that hardly gets engagement. Does it mean many of the followers are not real?
How many subscribers does the site have? What are their open rates for campaigns and EDMs?
How long do your users spend on the mining website site?
What are the demographics of your mining website users?
What keywords will you offer for my product to rank under? (Tip some sites won’t give up their good keywords to advertisers)
What keywords are delivering the majority of the traffic to the site? Is it balanced cross many keywords?
Will that company include my video on their site?
Will they offer links to my site?

Are all Australian mining websites the same?

The short answer is no. You should carefully consider the company’s claims of performance?

Why is my keyword important when it comes to mining websites?

If you don’t care about keywords in advertising, you’re making a huge mistake. You should consider all the keywords that are relevant to your brand. For example, it’s meaningless advertising on a site that gets all its traffic on one page from another website owned by the same company. See the info below from an Australian mining website. 1.7% of that site’s traffic comes from ‘Kidman resources’ search and another 1.49% comes from the search term BHP. These are generic search terms often used to ‘pad’ a site’s traffic numbers. You should consider these when making mining advertising decisions.

What tools can I use to assess a mining advertising website’s performance?

There are a number of commercially available tools such as Alexa, SEMRUSH, AHREFS or Wordstream.

Can I upload my advert and see my results in real-time?

A good provider of mining advertising should make this available to you so you can adjust your advert as your campaign moves on.

Our analysis of some Australian mining websites showed that significant traffic, as much as 25%, was coming from another non-mining website owned by the same company. Others showed 23 % traffic from generic search terms that are non-mining specific.

Australian mining website key traffic volumes

Tips on Mining Advertising – Do your homework?

At the end of the day, you should be aiming to ensure that your advertising dollars are maximized and you don’t blow your mining advertising budget with non-targeted advertising on crappy sites that…well frankly…can not deliver..despite their claims of the ‘BIGGEST AND BEST IN AUSTRALIA’.

Of course, we’d love to talk to you about advertising on Australasian Mine Safety Journal but at the end of the day, we hope that you can use some of the mining advertising tips in this post to make the best selection for web mining advertising spend.