A multinational resources producer reduced the number of workplace incidents through removing potential hazards altogether. Alcoa Australia recently added several safety features to its Willowdale...
Tag - signs
A multinational resources company confessed to unlawfully causing one employee death at a mine site. A Rio Tinto subsidiary recently pleaded guilty to failing to enforce speed limits, resulting in a...
“The physical appearance of the safety warning may inadvertently communicate hazard severity.” There’s much more to creating effective warnings than choosing the right colour, size...
The Hi-Vis Group has been a leader in the provision of safety signs, LED signs and related safety products and services to the Mining Sector for over 40 years. The Group is committed to saving lives...
Throughout Australia each and every year confined space deaths continue to occur despite concerted efforts by Government regulators, safety and engineering professionals. Unfortunately, statistics...
“WORKER REMINDED TO PAY MORE ATTENTION IN THE FUTURE…” It’s such a classic problem within safety right? People just can’t seem to be able to pay enough attention. This must be the case based...
The driver of a dozer that slide into a waterlogged test hole at Bengalla Mine late last year, was not aware of the danger due to the fact that the hole was unmarked and that water from heavy rain...
A coronial inquest into the death of a mine worker at BHP’s Perseverance Mine near Leinster in WA has been told that tighter risk assessment controls could have prevented the man’s death...