AMSJ » Workers compensation

Tag - Workers compensation

worker compensation report 2018-2019

Australian Workers’ Compensation Statistics 2018-19

Safe Work Australia has released workers’ compensation statistics 2018–2019 report. There was a total of 114,435 serious workers’ compensation claims. The statistics in the report are of Australian...

COVID-19 Compensation claims

COVID-19 compensation claims emerging

Safe Work Australia has recently published a snapshot of COVID-19-related workers compensation claims data, up to 31 July 2020. The data shows that mental health related claims are emerging since the...

Safework Australia report

Safe Work Australia Report

Workplace Health and Safety authorities across Australia undertook 230,054 workplace interventions, issued 46,472 notices for workplace health and safety breaches and finalised 289 legal proceedings...

lost time injury mining

Are we ‘cooking the books’ on lost time injuries?

There has been a long held perception in the mining industry that lost time injury and lost time injury frequency rates fail to report the real state of safety in the industry. As many appreciate, a...

Changes to qld workers compensation scheme affecting psychological injury

Queensland workers’ compensation scheme update

On 22 October 2019, the Queensland Parliament passed legislation amending the workers’ compensation scheme in Queensland. The Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation and Other Legislation...

Work related fatalities affect families

Work-related fatalities and injury report released

A new report released by Safe Work Australia has shown that the number of work-related fatalities has declined across Australia however mining remains the third worst industry below Agriculture...

work injury at a fifo site cricket

FIFO worker injured in cricket match | Compo upheld

A FIFO worker who was injured in a cricket match between shifts on a FIFO site has had a Return to WorkSA appeal (See Note 1) squashed after ReturntoWork SA sort to exclude his injury from...