Category - Automation

Rio Tinto train

Mining giants order eco friendly trains

Multiple resources companies will add battery power to their rail networks. BHP, Rio Tinto and Fortescue Metals Group recently bought new battery-electric locomotives for their operations in Western...

Cat 789D WesTrac automation training centre

Rio Tinto and WesTrac celebrate autonomous partnership

A multinational mining company and CAT equipment supplier commemorated their first six months of automation training. Rio Tinto and WesTrac recently celebrated their Automated Haulage Systems (AHS)...

safety in an autonomous future

Prioritizing safety in an autonomous future

In new safety guidance on autonomous systems, the Global Mining Guidelines Group urges companies to adopt a comprehensive change-management approach. Potential procedural conflicts between staffed...

How to make future Internet of Things more secure

The future of connected devices – some things about that future are pretty easy to predict By TAYLOR ARMERDING – Senior Software Security Expert, at Synopsys Software Integrity Group...

Time for a plan D in safety: Digitisation

David Smith, Commercial Director EHS at SAI Global takes a look at how to better manage contractors in the midst of the global pandemic. First published in the SPRING 2020 edition of...