AMSJ » Energy and Resources Expo for South Queensland

Energy and Resources Expo for South Queensland

Energy and Resources Expo supporters

A new Energy and Resources Expo will showcase South Queensland’s technology and skills when it launches in October 2019.

South West Queensland is leading the way in Australia with enormous growth and diversity across a range of industries. With major infrastructure projects already underway and a raft of others about to start the whole region is in ‘fast forward’.

Ian MacFarlane, Chief Executive of Queensland Resources Council has spoken recently about the renewed confidence in the sector.

“The approval of the mining leases to extend the life of the Cameby Downs Mine in the Surat Basin secures jobs, exports and royalties for the State and confirms the long-term role for coal,” said Mr MacFarlane.

Cameby Downs currently employs 140 staff and the mines expansion will bring an extra 20 jobs to the region.

“It’s more good news for coal and will increase the production to 3.5 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) of coal, up from 2.8 mtpa and will create an extra 20 jobs,” said Mr MacFarlane.

The resources sector is already contributing to the Western Downs Regional Council area, accounting for $374 million or 10% of the area’s gross regional product and 2006 full-time equivalent or 12% of the local workforce.

“Whether it is the Government-owned Kogan Creek mine, Cameby Downs, other existing mines in the Surat and Bowen basins or those proposed in the Galilee Basin, Queensland depends upon them. Coal currently delivers $43.4 billion or 13% of the State’s gross regional product and more than 215,000 or 9% of full-time equivalent jobs in Queensland,” said Mr MacFarlane.

“All over the Darling Downs the economic impact of the resources sector can be felt whether it’s through Conduct and Compensation Agreements (CCA) between farmers and the gas industry, jobs in the coal industry or the billions of dollars in royalties the sector pays each year to help build the hospitals, schools and roads that all Queenslanders benefit from.”

The South Queensland Energy and Resources Expo is on 16th and 17th October 2019 at the Toowoomba Showgrounds. For your chance to be involved free call 1800 671 588 or register online to book exhibition space. Delegate registrations are also open now via the

Energy and Resources EXPO LOGO

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