AMSJ » proximity detection

Tag - proximity detection

Komatsu driverless trucks

Advanced safety features mandated for heavy vehicles

Employers will have to fit more innovative motion inhibitors to reduce the risk of workplace accidents. New road-registered heavy vehicles must be able to detect likely forward collisions, warn...

proximity detection systems

Global expansion in Booyco PDS grows

From its solid foundation as the pioneer of and leader in Proximity Detection System (PDS) in South Africa, Booyco Electronics is making rapid headway in growing its global footprint. Having recently...

Fatal mine accident | Battery powered vehicle

The USA Government, Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) has reported a fatal accident in an underground mine involving a miner being struck by a battery-powered vehicle. According to the...

Adding an extra layer of safety with OAS & CAS Analytics

Heavy traffic, large machinery and dangerous environments make safety a constant challenge at a mine. Hexagon, a global leader in sensor, software and autonomous solutions, knows the risks its mining...

Interconnected safety technology will feature in 2019

New safety technology for 2019 looks promising

There are some exciting new releases of safety technology coming to the market in 2019 that come with a promise to improve safety and productivity for the Australian mining industry. The new focus of...