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Tag - proximity detection

strata hazardavert proximity detection in underground coal mine

Strata’s HazardAvert system keeps safety on target

Of all the technology developed over mining’s history for safety, and even more specifically the safety of workers performing tasks around heavy machinery on an everyday basis, one of the most recent...

proximity detection mining vehicles

Proximity detection systems framework on the table

With the global mining industry moving towards the legislated adoption of Proximity Detection Systems, they are becoming a critical control measure for improving safety in mobile mining equipment...

proximity detection system mines

Turnkey proximity detection system

Nanotron Technologies, a wholly owned subsidiary of Sensera Ltd, and industrial safety solutions provider Selectronic have announced their first joint product: the PDS2400 Collision Avoidance...

proximity detection

Proximity Detection rolled out at Newcrest

Newcrest Mining is rolling out proximity detection technology across its wider operations after successfully deploying it at the Telfer gold open pit in Western Australia 12 months ago. GE Mining...