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John is a safety professional with more than thirty years experience across a wide range of industries including mining & energy, manufacturing, defence, retail and food processing. He was the founder of Australasian Mine Safety Journal in 2005 and has worked to assist a broad range of Australian and international organisations manage work safety as a professional safety consultant and adviser. He has held a range of roles in large organisations including Corporate Safety Manager, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Executive Officer. He was acknowledged in 2006 for his contribution to mining safety in the People's Republic of China through a China Friendship Award. John is the Principal of Australian based consulting company Safetysure.

autonomous mining trucks collide in wet weather

WA regulator examining autonomous truck incident

The WA Mines Regulator is examining the latest autonomous truck incident at Jimblebar mine. ‘The two vehicle’s collided due to a traction event caused by a fast-moving weather...

apprentice electric shock

Mining apprentice electrician receives shock

An apprentice and the supervising electrician this past week received a dangerous electric shock while re-terminating an electric supply line in an electrical cabinet.  According to information, the...

Karen andres grants METS projects funding mineral sector

Industry Growth Centre awards $4.1m in project funding

The mining sector and a range of mineral technologies suppliers have been provided with a range of funding under the federal government METS sector grants. The Federal Minister for Industry, Science...

Western Australia Training Awards

Nominations called for Western Australia Training Awards

Applications for the Western Australia Training Awards 2019 are now open. The awards provide an opportunity for the Western Australian training sector to showcase excellence, reward best practice and...