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John is a safety professional with more than thirty years experience across a wide range of industries including mining & energy, manufacturing, defence, retail and food processing. He was the founder of Australasian Mine Safety Journal in 2005 and has worked to assist a broad range of Australian and international organisations manage work safety as a professional safety consultant and adviser. He has held a range of roles in large organisations including Corporate Safety Manager, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Executive Officer. He was acknowledged in 2006 for his contribution to mining safety in the People's Republic of China through a China Friendship Award. John is the Principal of Australian based consulting company Safetysure.

pike river recovery team

Pike River recovery team continues prep for re-entry

The Pike River recovery team have continued their preparations for re-entry to recover the bodies of 29 miners trapped in an explosion in 2010. This week a number of team members undertook training...

dartbrook coal mine

Safety troubled Dartbrook mine set to re-open

ASX listed Australian Pacific Coal (reportedly part owned by the Tinkler family) is set to re-open the former mining safety troubled Dartbrook coal mine that saw three fatalities over a 12 year...

mining safety australia

Is mining safety a journey or a destination?

OPINION  There is no doubt that there are some safety challenges facing the mining industry in Australia. While it’s clear that there are pockets of excellence with some outstanding initiatives...

Heavy Vehicle National Law

Heavy vehicle national law impacts safety professionals

Following changes to the Heavy Vehicle National Law late last year, there is some confusion as well as a number of common misunderstandings within the transport industry about certain OHS-related...

dozer incident

Dozer incident at QAL | D6 Slips off dam wall

Rio’s QAL has confirmed a serious dozer incident occurred at its’ Gladstone operations in early December. The incident involved a contracted Caterpillar D6 Dozer that was transversing an...

union boss

Former union boss takes a swipe at Mines Inspectors

A former CFMEU union boss has taken a swipe at the Queensland Government’s response to a mining safety incident where a worker suffered breathing difficulty in an underground coal mine in...