A drowsy crew member will work at his own pace after making too many errors. One employer recently agreed to let a restless worker choose his own start and finish times with a flexible roster at an...
Category - Fatigue
Experts found some relocatable dwellings have potentially hazardous air quality while workers quarantine. The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) recently warned...
Remote mine employees are more likely to experience daytime distress and poor work performance, researchers found. One of the world’s largest industry studies revealed fly-in fly-out (FIFO)...
Fatigue Science, the global leader in providing human fatigue and performance predictive analytics and fatigue management information systems to heavy industry, military, and elite sports teams, is...
Driving while sleep-deprived has reached worrying levels in Australia, with 20 per cent of respondents to a new survey admitting they have fallen asleep at the wheel at least once. Of those, 5 per...
Fatigue management for truck drivers is an important element of keeping our roads safe. While the mining industry has largely implemented a range of fatigue management strategies, truck drivers on...
In recent times workers, particularly those that are desk-bound, have become increasingly attentive to the influence and effects of blue light pollution and eye safety. Evidence points to a range of...
Fatigue can be identified as ‘level above’ being tired. It is a level of exhaustion, both mental and physical, that hampers a persons ability to function. This becomes a major health and safety...
The Federal Government and the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) are investing in new field trials to test driver fatigue monitoring technologies which can enhance heavy vehicle safety outcomes...
A worker suffered serious leg injuries during a nose-to-tail collision between two rear dump haul trucks. The injured worker was transported to hospital for treatment. The NSW Resources Regulator has...