The Queensland Coal Mine Inspector has reported an equipment collision occurred at an open cut coal mine.
According to the report, during loading operations, a large excavator has swung around and contacted a floor clean-up dozer. The excavator operator was not aware of the dozer’s presence. No one injuries, however, significant damage occurred to one of the dozer’s hydraulic blade rams.
The Inspector recommends that Site Senior Executive should ensure the Principal Hazard Management Plan and associated procedures for controlling mobile equipment interaction are effective and all relevant coal mine workers are competent in their use.
The senior position responsible for “mobile equipment interaction” within the management structure should continually monitor and review the effectiveness of risk control measures, and take appropriate corrective and preventive action where non-conformance is identified.
Coal Mine Workers should comply with their mine’s procedures when operating mobile equipment and must always be vigilant when operating, and on the lookout for the unexpected to happen.
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A haul truck collision with grader at an open cut coal mine has been reported by the NSW Resources Regulator.
According to the report, while working on a haul road, a grader operator performed a u-turn. The position 2 tyre of the grader contacted the position 3 tyre of a haul truck that was overtaking the grader at the time. The grader operator did not look to see if the road was clear before initiating the u-turn. The haul truck operator had followed the correct procedure for overtaking.
The NSW Resources Regulator said mine operators should develop, review and update procedures that manage the interaction of all mobile plant operating on-site, including requirements for proximity detection and positive communication. Mines should consider including protocols for graders to conduct U-turns in their traffic rules. The installation of passing indicators on graders could facilitate positive communications, allowing trucks to safely pass.
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