SafeWork SA received notification of an explosives incident in an underground mine on 29 October 2020. The health and safety of underground workers was put at risk following the unplanned electronic initiation of two development headings. The development headings were unintentionally initiated at the same time as a decline heading, which was planned to be fired independently.
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SafeWork SA is investigating this incident and no further information can be shared at this time.
SafeWork SA remind all mine operators to develop, implement and maintain safe systems of work to control the risk of unplanned initiation of explosives.
SafeWork SA advise mine operators and persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) to ensure:
- comprehensive risk assessments are undertaken for the use of explosives, including independent firing
- firing systems are designed, installed and maintained by a competent person
- independent firing systems are segregated from main firing system
- workers are trained and assessed as competent in the type of initiation system at the mine.
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