AMSJ » Fire accident at underground coal mine

Fire accident at underground coal mine

flat return roller

The NSW Resources Regulator has published a dangerous incident that resulted in a fire on conveyor in an underground coal mine.

According to the report, three mine workers were travelling through an outbye section of the mine when they smelled smoke. They doubled back and discovered a flat return roller emitting smoke and sparks on the outbye side of the drivehead of the belt. The workers turned off the belt and went to find an extinguisher. When they returned to extinguish the fire, they observed a six to eight inch flame at the end of the roller.

Dangerous incident at underground mine

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To respond this incident the Regulator comments, mine operators must ensure that stringent monitoring and quality control of maintenance and repair activities are undertaken to prevent fires on conveyors. Enough time and resourcing must be allocated for inspection, maintenance and repair of conveyors considering the length and complexity of the conveyor system.

Maintenance frequency of rollers and pulleys must consider areas of high tension in the conveyor system.

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