AMSJ » Mine contractors charged over accident that led to double amputation of employee

Mine contractors charged over accident that led to double amputation of employee

Western Australia’s Department of Mines and Petroleum has charged Inline Engineering Services Pty Ltd and The Pilbara Infrastructure Pty Ltd in relation to an incident that occurred in July 2011 at Fortescue Metal Group’s Anderson Point Port Facility, near Port Hedland.

The incident occurred on 8 July, 2011, when Mr Bevan Coutts was assisting in the removal of a gearbox from a train indexer and was caught between the indexer arm and a steel structure. Mr Coutts suffered an immediate amputation of his left leg, and crush injuries to his right leg, which was later medically amputated.

The companies were charged under section 12 of the Mines Safety and Inspection Act of Western Australia and section 21 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act for failing to ensure the safety of Mr Coutts was not adversely affected by the work being undertaken.

The prosecution notices were signed by Special Inspector of Mines Tim Baxter on Friday 4 July 2014 and court documents were posted to the two companies on Monday, 7 July 2014.