In safety circles the term “as low as reasonably practicable – or ALARP” is often used. But what does it actually mean for major hazard and petroleum facilities?
The answer to this question was the focus of the first industry forum hosted by the Department of Mines and Petroleum’s new Critical Risks Group in the Resources Safety Division.
Dangerous Goods and Petroleum Safety Director Ross Stidolph said the event, held on 14 November, looked at the concept of “as low as reasonably practicable” (ALARP).
“The aim is to provide operators of major hazard and petroleum facilities with an overview of the requirements to ensure risks are driven to as low as reasonably practicable,” Mr Stidolph said.
“Importantly, we also looked at how to demonstrate and document this process to the standards expected by the Department of Mines and Petroleum.
“With a better understanding of what is considered to be “reasonably practicable”, the submission of safety cases and safety reports should be more efficient and effective for both industry and the regulator.
“The program will finish with a reminder that people and systems are an integral part of facilities — and should not be overlooked in the risk management process.”
With more than 140 people registered to attend, the response from industry has been positive.
“Holding industry forums such as this will be an important focus for our Critical Risks Group as we continue to work with industry to highlight safety issues,” Mr Stidolph said.
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