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Tag - BHP

Rio Tinto train

Mining giants order eco friendly trains

Multiple resources companies will add battery power to their rail networks. BHP, Rio Tinto and Fortescue Metals Group recently bought new battery-electric locomotives for their operations in Western...

Mount Whaleback Mine

Employer fined after metal shard hits worker in neck

A multinational resources company will pay for an external employee’s severe workplace injury. BHP was fined years after a metal shard struck a maintenance worker at the Mount Whaleback Mine...

Anglo Grosvenor mine meeting

Mining giant flags vaccine mandate across all mine sites

A multinational resources company could lock out any employee who is unvaccinated against the pandemic. Anglo American recently warned its entire workforce to be immunised against coronavirus (COVID...

Woodside Energy workers

Resources merger will accelerate $16B offshore project

A multinational mining company and Australian oil and gas producer will join forces to fast-track a US$12 billion (A$16B) development. BHP Group and Woodside Petroleum have agreed to merge their oil...

BHP trainees

Employers introduce COVID vaccine mandates

A mining services company and multinational resources giant will force workers to be immunised against coronavirus. Mineral Resources (MinRes) and BHP have confirmed every fly-in fly-out (FIFO) and...