AMSJ » Western Australian mine safety

Tag - Western Australian mine safety


An e-cigarette devices incident at mine site

On 11th January 2021, the Government of Western Australia, Department of Mines Industry Regulation and Safety received a report of an incident at a mine site where an electronic cigarette (vape)...

Paige Counsel

The face of WA’s latest mine accident

25-year-old Paige Counsell has been named as the third fatality in Western Australian mines this year. Paige died after being struck by plant at the Westgold Resources Big Bell Underground mine last...

work basket

Mine workers tipped out of work basket

According to the Western Australian mining safety regulator, a significant high potential occurred where mine workers were tipped out of a work basket used with an integrated tool carrier. The...

Mine Safety Levies Western Australia

WA mine safety levy reduced

The Western Australian Government is reducing the Mines Safety Levy by 20 per cent from July 1, 2020 to provide relief to mining companies during the COVID-19 Crisis. Mines and Petroleum Minister...

WA proposed safety regulations call for action

Western Australia seeks feedback on safety reforms

The Western Australian Government is seeking feedback on proposed safety reforms including the Work Health & Safety (Mines) Regulations. Public comment on the proposed regulations will close on...

hazard register for western australian mines

Hazard register now available for WA mines

The Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) has developed a new hazard register, which presents the findings from 53 serious injury or serious incident investigations undertaken...