AMSJ » Cause of the Moura No. 2 mine disaster

Cause of the Moura No. 2 mine disaster

What was the cause of the Moura No. 2 mine disaster?

The mining warden’s inquiry into the Moura No. 2 mine disaster found that the first explosion originated in a sealed mine panel (a block section of the mine) and resulted from a failure to recognise, and effectively treat, a heating of coal in that panel. The heating coal ignited methane gas which had accumulated within the panel after it was sealed. The inquiry did not reach a finding regarding the cause of the second explosion. Moura No. 2 mine disaster commemorative plaqueBulldozers burying the Moura No. 2 mine portal following the Moura No. 2 mine disaster

AMSJ has two relevant articles on the Moura Mine Disaster including an interview with a union official and an extensive account of the disaster.

Read the Mining Wardens report into Moura No. 2 Mining Disaster here

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