AMSJ » Charges laid in Canadian mine fatality involving Caterpillar 745C ADT
International News

Charges laid in Canadian mine fatality involving Caterpillar 745C ADT

Caterpillar 745C ADT

Charges have been laid in relation to a Caterpillar 745C ADT incident that left a mineworker dead.

The Canadian Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission has laid sixteen charges in the Nunavut Court of Justice under the
Mine Health & Safety Act against a mining company over the death of a worker operating a Caterpillar 745C articulated dump truck (ADT) in December 2018.

Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation is charged with multiple counts that allege various offences in violation of the Mine Health & Safety Act, including failing to supervise, instruct and train as is necessary to protect the health and safety of workers and failing to provide and maintain healthy and safe worksites.

The charges stem from an incident in which a worker was fatally injured at the Mary River Mine site, near the Hamlet of Pond Inlet, Nunavut. The ADT incident occurred on December 16, 2018.

ADT rollover

MYTHS – ADT’s are designed to turn over

WRONG – This is simply a dangerous myth and should be challenged. The purpose of the centre articulation on an ADT is to allow the two sections of the vehicle to articulate separately (twist and steer) and allow all of the wheels to maintain maximum contact with the ground all of the time, thus maximising traction and brake efficiency. It is this feature which makes ADT’s so versatile over poor terrain. It has nothing whatsoever to do with being ‘designed to overturn’.

According to the Commission, the worker died while operating a Cat 745C Articulated Truck, also known as a Cat 745 Rock Truck, or 745.

The WSCC has reminded all employers that their legislated worksite responsibilities include taking every reasonable measure and precaution to protect the health and safety of employees and all other people at the worksite.

It said “This includes making sure that all workers and supervisors receive the training, instruction and supervision necessary to ensure the safety of workers and the worksite, and to have and maintain an occupational health and safety program that is current and relevant to the potential hazards at their worksite.”


The first court appearance in this matter is scheduled for January 9, 2020, in Iqaluit, Nunavut.

Baffinland said in a statement that it disagrees with the Candian Regulator’s assertion that it has breached the act and intends to vigorously defend itself,” the company said. It terminated agreements 586 contracted employees working at its Mary River mine in November 2019.

Several Indeed Ratings of the Baffinland Mine Site and Glassdoor have commented on poor internal safety practices.

  • Articulated dump truck rollover
  • Articulated dump truck rollover
  • Articulated dump truck rollover
  • Articulated dump truck rollover

Main Image: For Illustration Purposes – Not actual vehicle

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