AMSJ » Workers evacuated from Glencore’s Newlands mine

Workers evacuated from Glencore’s Newlands mine

All coal mine workers have been withdrawn as a precaution from underground workings at Glencore’s Newlands coal mine near Glenden in the northern Bowen Basin.

“Queensland Government mines inspectors were advised that mine management activated the withdrawal at 6 am (4/9/15) after one atmosphere monitor inside a sealed longwall section recorded potentially-high gas concentrations and triggered an alert,” a statement from the Department of Natural Resources and Mines said.

“The affected area is an old underground longwall panel which was recently sealed after it had come to the end of its production cycle.

“Mining operations in an adjacent underground longwall at Newlands have halted as a result of the precautionary withdrawal of workers. Surface operations elsewhere at the mine site have not been affected.

The statement said workers will not be permitted to re-enter the underground workings of the mine until a risk assessment has been completed and it demonstrates atmosphere levels are safe for re-entry.

The situation is being monitored by mines inspectors.

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