AMSJ » Light vehicle in rollover

Light vehicle in rollover

Light vehicle in rollover at NSW Mine
A light vehicle rollover at a NSW mine has highlighted the need for care at a range of critical intersections.

A light vehicle rollover has occurred at an open cut coal mine in New South Wales.

The light vehicle was exiting a crib hut park-up area. As it turned onto the road, the driver was distracted by a noise and the sun affected the driver’s vision. The vehicle hit the centre island and rolled onto its side. The driver climbed out of the vehicle uninjured.

The NSW Regulator has made a number of recommendations to the industry including that drivers must maintain focus on the task at hand.

It says that when there is a distraction, the driver should find a safe place to stop and address the issue rather than risk causing an incident by trying to fix the problem while driving.

“Roadway and intersection designs must consider all environmental factors including sunlight, fixed lighting, visibly etc. ” the Regulator said in a statement.


Light vehicle intersection incidents continue

Eleven months ago, AMSJ reported a light vehicle incident exposed the dangers of complex intersections. A light vehicle operator had to take evasive action to prevent a collision with a haul truck at a site on 28 June 2018.

The light vehicle was stationary and waiting to proceed through an intersection. The driver of an approaching haul truck incorrectly identified the roadway he intended to travel and turned into the roadway where the light vehicle had stopped. When reviewing the wheel marks, the vehicles would have made heavy contact.

The light vehicle driver expected the haul truck to pass. The light vehicle driver radioed ‘stop’ several times and reversed. The haul truck driver heard the calls for ‘stop’ and then saw that the light vehicle was in front of him.

Pit operations had been stopping intermittently during the morning as fog was reported to be rolling in and out. Road conditions were also wet and visibility was reported to be between 50 and 100 metres. The incident occurred on the haul truck’s third load for the shift.

An east/west haul road intersects three other haul roads, all in a north/south orientation. All three roads were segregated, resulting in six individual roads. Refer to figure 2 below.


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