Two workers are missing feared dead following the movement of waste rock at a Canadian owned Gold-mining company (Centerra Gold) in Kyrgyzstan. Candian listed miner Centerra Gold Inc reported that...
Tag - ground control
Worksafe Victoria has issued a mine safety alert over a failed rock bolt section fell on to a working platform. The incident has highlighted issued of dropped object protection in underground mines...
GREAT PANTHER MINING (NYSE American: GPL; TSX: GPR) has confirmed a rockfall fatality at one of its’ Mexico operations. In a statement released by the company “Great Panther”said it...
Dragline bench failure in mines in Queensland has been evidenced over many years. AMSJ has a range of exclusive images on dragline incidents.
A stope incident in China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region has resulted in eight people arrested. Xinhua News reported “Eight people held accountable for a deadly mining incident in...
A dragline bench failure incident recently occurred at a major Queensland Mine resulting in operators scrambling to safety. In a brief obtained by AMSJ, the Queensland Mines Inspectorate reported...
Queensland-based technology startup GlassTerra is collaborating with a global satellite connectivity company to conduct a pioneering proof of concept project to monitor a key embankment in real-time...
GroundProbe has launched a new data aggregation software for geotechnical sensor monitoring, MonitorIQ. Through the centralisation of all monitoring data into one dashboard and analysis...
The Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy have released a mining alert regarding pit wall failure following the death of a mine worker at Middlemount Coal. The following...
As miners dig deeper than ever before to optimise the reserves of existing open pit mines, the geotechnical community has focused on how to best ensure spoil dump stability and reaching the...