AMSJ » Tasmanian bush fire heading for Renison Bell mine
Surface Fire Management

Tasmanian bush fire heading for Renison Bell mine

bush fire at renison bell
A bush fire is heading towards the Renison Bell Tin mine

“The fire danger will be severe. Fire under these conditions will be uncontrollable, unpredictable and fast moving,” says the alert.

Embers, smoke and ash falling on Renison Bell and Zeehan could threaten homes and buildings earlier than the main fire.

The TFS advises residents wishing to leave the area to travel south to Queenstown or north east to Waratah and beyond.

Renison is located on the west coast of Tasmania, approximately 15km north-east of Zeehan, and is one of the world’s largest and highest grade tin mines with mining spanning three centuries. Renison is the largest tin producer in Australia and one of the few publicly held tin projects in the world.

Bushfire advice for mines

Bush fire events have caused significant past damage and operational losses, as well as threatened the health and safety of people at mines sites.

The safety of the public may also be at risk from mine site fires or explosions. The fire may spread beyond the mine boundaries with bushfire and harmful smoke threatening offsite people and property.

Most state’s of Australia have implemented mining safety or workplace health and safety legislation of that requires mine operators, contractors and other persons conducting a business or undertaking at mine to conduct a risk assessment to identify potential risks and emergency situations caused by fires (including bushfires).

Mine site operators should ensure that their safety management system and emergency plan can be used to respond to foreseeable emergency situations caused by fire events. Mine sites should, and in some cases must in so far as reasonably practicable, consult with local Fire & Rescue Services, when preparing and reviewing their principal hazard management and emergency plans.

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