AMSJ » electrician

Tag - electrician

serious injury

Electrician injured in underground mine

The NSW Resources Regulator has reported an electrician got injured in underground metals mine. Electricians working underground were installing a high tension cable from an integrated tool carrier...


SEEK Employment Report 2020

Since the beginning of March 2020, the coronavirus pandemic has had an extreme impact on the job market. For the foreseeable future, the SEEK Employment Report will feature relevant month-on-month...

Carborough downs mine resumes after fatal accident

Fitzroy resumes mining following fatality

Fitzroy Australia Resources has confirmed in a statement that it has resumed coal mining operations at Carborough Downs mine following the fatal accident that claimed the life of veteran mine...

haul truck runs over light vehicle

Haul truck runs over light vehicle

A mining accident investigation is underway at the Brockman 4 iron ore mine in the Pilbara after an autonomous haul truck ran over a light vehicle during a maintenance activity. Reports say that an...

solar farm safety training kick off now

Solar farm safety ramps up in Queensland

The Queensland Government is providing subsidised training for electrical workers to assist in improving solar farm safety for workers and improve compliance as a new code of practice is rolled out...

apprentice electric shock

Mining apprentice electrician receives shock

An apprentice and the supervising electrician this past week received a dangerous electric shock while re-terminating an electric supply line in an electrical cabinet.  According to information, the...

Two workers injured after arc flash

Two workers were injured in a Western Australian underground mine after an arc flash incident. An electrician and mechanical fitter were investigating water-overflow issues and found that a 90 kW...